Forslag (flagg uten kors) fra stortingsrepresentant og prest på Snåsa Svend Busch Brun (1774–1826).
Mottatt: ca.1814.11 Avvist: 1814.11.18

• Egen tolkning: antipodes café, 2021 (CC0)
«UTFORSKING AV NORGES FLAGG» er et kulturprosjekt av antipodes café* som startet i 2012 og har søkt å åpne en dialog om det norske flagget, gjennom ulike arbeider og målgrupper: urban intervensjon, enkeltkunstverk, utstilling, barneverksteder, åpen dialog i media, en nettside med historiske tidslinjer og tegneplattform der du kan utforske i flaggets design, en publikasjon og et symposium. Serien kulminerer i 2021, året for 200-årsjubileet for designet av og den første kongelige og parlamentariske godkjenningen av dagens norske flagg.
EN /
«UTFORSKING AV NORGES FLAGG» is a series of explorations that seek to open a dialogue about the democratic duty of the main visual national symbol, through diverse instances, such as an urban intervention and other specific artworks, school workshops, exhibitions, exposition in media, a website, a digital platform where you can explore in the design of a flag and participate in the exhibition, a publication and a symposium about the implied topics.
The project started in Oslo in 2012 as a reaction to the atrocious attacks perpetrated by a radical nationalist against its own people the year before, and thus it defines each move with extreme precaution and respect to all victims and the whole society.
None of these explorations from Kristiansand to Svalbard is a childish provocation, aggression, nor a proposal for specific changes, but rather situations opening a sensible as deep debate about the implied topics.
The series culminate in Bergen in the frame of the 200th anniversary of the current Norwegian flag, and the 10th anniversary of the aforementioned attacks.
2022. Book distribution / presentations.
2021.11.o4 – Symposium, Oslo.
2021.11.04 Publication: 2nd Edition,
Offset. Norway
2021.11.04 – website (update)
2021.10.20 – Finnisage exhibition.
(anticipated due to construction works)
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
2021.10.19 – Guided tour,
Exhibition #3
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
2021.05 Symposium, Bergen
Bryggens Museum
2021.05 Publication: 1st Edition,
Digital. Norway
2021.05 NRK Super,
2021.04.30 Urban intervention (Until 16.05),
Strandgaten, Bergen
2021.04.30 Exhibition #3,
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
2014.04.29 Artwork:”Memoria”
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
2014.04.29 Artwork:”Over løver”
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
2021.02.09 School workshop,
Eidsvoll verk, Eidsvoll
2021.02.08 School workshop,
Eidsvoll verk, Eidsvoll
2021.02.04 School workshop,
Byskogen skole, Tønsberg
2021.02.03 School workshop,
Byskogen skole, Tønsberg
2020.12.11 School workshops,
Aspåsen skole, Bodø
2020.12.10 School workshops,
Aspåsen skole, Bodø
2020.12.09 School workshops,
Aspåsen skole, Bodø
2020.10.22 School workshop,
Aspøy skole, Ålesund, Møre og Romsdal
2020.10.16 School workshop,
Fåvang skole, Innlandet
2019 Website (update)
2017.05.07 Artwork: “Endre” Version 2.2
2016.02.04 School workshop,
Ullevålsveien skole, Oslo
2016.02.02 School workshop,
Ullevålsveien skole, Oslo
2016.01.29 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.27 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.25 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.22 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.20 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.18 School workshop,
Skøyen skole, Oslo
2016.01.13 School workshop,
Bjøråsen skole, Oslo
2016.01.12 School workshop,
Bjøråsen skole, Oslo
2015.08 Media
2015.08.14 Exhibition #2,
Galleri Svalbard, Longyearbyen
2015.08.01 Artwork: “Skape/Se” Version 2.0
2015.08.01 Artwork: “Endre” Version 2.1
2015.07.01 Artwork: “Endre” Version 2.0
2014.11.04 2 School workshops,
Singsaker skole, Trondheim
2014.10.30 2 School workshops,
Gyllenborg skole, Tromsø
2014.10. 2 School workshops,
Kirkenes barneskol, Kirkenes
2014.10. 2 School workshops,
Elvebakken skole, Alta
2014.10. School workshop,
Elvebakken skole, Alta
2014.10. School workshop,
Karl Johan Minneskole, Kristiansand
2014.10. 2 School workshops,
Nordnes skole, Bergen
2014.10. 2 School workshops,
Auglend skole, Stavanger
2014.10.10 School workshop,
Longyearbyen, Svalbard
2014.10.09 2 School workshops,
Longyearbyen, Svalbard
2014.05.22 Presentation,
German School, Tenthaus, Oslo
2014.05.17 Urban intervention (Until 06.01) Torggata, Oslo
2014.04-05 Media Oslo / Norway
2014.04.30 Exhibition #1 (Until 05.25)
Tenthaus, Oslo
2014.04.29 Artwork:”Memoria”
Tenthaus, Oslo
2014.04.27 Open montage,
Exhibition #1
+ Open workshop Barnas Oslo Open,
Tenthaus, Oslo
2014.04.22 School workshop
Sofiensberg Ungdomskole,
Tenthaus, Oslo
2014.04.10 School workshop,
Veitvet Skole, Oslo
2014.04.08 School workshop,
Veitvet Skole, Oslo
2014.04.05 Artwork: “Endre” Version 1.5
2014.04.03 School workshop,
Skøyen Skole, Oslo
2014.04.02 School workshops,
Skøyen Skole, Oslo
2014.04.01 School workshop,
Skøyen Skole, Oslo
2014.03.01 Artwork: “Skape/Se” Version 1.0
2013.12.01 Website
2012.02.14 Artwork: “Endre” Version 1.0
antipodes café
NO 914484855 – Forening/lag/innretning
7000 Ideelle organisasjoner
– First edition was digitally printed, and includes dozens of mistakes, typos and so on. All those are not remarked in here as those 3 copies were made basically for corrections.
— Noted mistakes from Second edition (500 copies) will be highlighted in this page.
If you find mistakes in this website, please contact us and we will correct them as soon as possible. thanks.